"Haj Muhammad Said al-Husseini, the mufti of Gaza, issued a fatwa against land sales to Jews arguing that, as a result of Zionism, the Jews had lost their status as dhimmi or wards of Islam and any Muslim or Christian who hekped them would be regarded as an apostate or infidel. In 1935 the first ulama or gathering of Muslim religious scholars issued a similar fatwa."
- "1948 as Jihad" by Benny Morris
Following Muhammad’s death in 632, the Arab Islamic empires conquered lands exponentially quickly. As a result of this rapid colonization, the Muslim authorities were faced with the “problem” of how to handle the conquered Indigenous peoples that resisted conversion to Islam.
This “problem” was solved with a treaty known as the Pact of Umar. This so-called treaty allowed select religious and cultural minorities (known as “People of the Book”) to practice their beliefs so long as they paid the “jizya” tax and abided by a set of restrictive, second-class citizenship laws.
Apologists for dhimmitude often whitewash this status, noting that it afforded minorities “protection.” But paying someone so that they don’t kill you is not protection; it’s extortion.
The Ottoman Empire did not abolish dhimmi status until 1856, though it’s worth noting that even then, Jews were still not entirely equal under the law. Most notably, Jews were restricted from certain land purchases and from a number of activities at the Western Wall, including blowing the shofar, bringing chairs or Jewish ritual objects, and speaking or praying loudly.
Jews were forbidden from building new synagogues. Synagogues could not be taller than mosques and the homes of Jews could not be taller than the homes of Muslims. Jews could not raise their voices during Muslim prayer times. Jewish children could not be taught the Quran. Jewish funerals had to be quiet and Jews could not be buried near Muslims. Jews had to show deference to Muslims; for example, if a Muslim wished to sit where a Jew was sitting, the Jewish person had to give up their seat. Muslims were prohibited from converting to Judaism. Jews had to dress differently than Muslims. Jews had to wear identifying yellow belts or turbans and had to cut off their sidelocks. Jews could not ride the same animals as Muslims and could not use a saddle. Jews were forbidden from taking Muslim titles. Jews could not own weapons. Jews had to host Muslim passerbys for 3 days. Jews could not govern, lead, or employ Muslims. Jews could not buy a Muslim prisoner or slaves who had been allotted to Muslims. Jews could not engrave Arabic inscriptions on signet seals. Jewish witnesses were not admissible in court. Jews were subject to a “jizya” tax. Jews could not join the military or work for the government. When harmed by a Muslim, Jews had to purchase Muslim witnesses, which left Jews with virtually no legal recourse. Jews could not marry a Muslim woman. Jews could not criticize Islam or the Quran on penalty of death.
Hamas is an Islamist terrorist group. Islamists believe that the doctrines of the religion of Islam should be congruent with those of the state. Islamists work to implement nation-states governed under Islamic Law (Sharia), emphasize pan-Islamic unity (in most cases, hoping for an eventual worldwide Islamic Caliphate, or empire), support the creation of Islamic theocracies, and reject all non-Muslim influences.
Islamist ideology can be traced back to Hassan al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928. Al-Banna viewed the 1924 dissolution of the last Islamic Caliphate, the Ottoman Empire, and the European colonization of the Middle East, beginning with France’s 1830 occupation of Algeria, as an affront to Islam. The early 20th century was a period of rapid secularization in the Middle East, when Arab nationalism threatened to replace pan-Islamic identity with a pan-Arab identity. Al-Banna opposed all of this, hoping to return to “authentic” Islamic practice through the (re)establishment of the Islamic Caliphate.
Hamas emerged as the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas, too, seeks to return to “authentic Islamic practice,” as outlined in their original Charter. By this they mean, essentially, that they wish to go back in time, to a time when Jews were dhimmis.
"Hamas did not hold their 'ceremony' for hostage Hisham Al-Sayed 'out of respect for the Bedouin-Israeli community': it was out of disrespect for the Jews. Their shame-honor culture dictates that only 'dhimmi' Jews get to be humiliated. This is why the coffins of the murdered hostages were designed with special handles to be carried at 'foot level,' rather than the usual ones intended to be carried at 'shoulder level': the Jew must always be reminded that he is inferior."
- Lyn Julius, author of Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight
Dhimmi laws were inherently humiliating, in that they reminded dhimmis of their inferior status in society. For example, dhimmis had to show deference to Muslims, dress distinctively, and more.
While the Quran itself does not proscribe “humiliating treatment” along with the payment of the jizya tax, historically, Muslim empires largely humiliated their dhimmi subjects during tax collection. For example, in the 16th century, Islamic scholar Ahmad Sirhindi wrote, “The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honor and might of Islam.”
In some places, Jewish dhimmis were forced to carry out humiliating acts; for example, in Yemen, Jews were made to clean excrement.
Oftentimes, dhimmis were forced to pay the jizya tax on foot, rather than on horse, so that they would be reminded of their lower status.
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