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Jews & Indigeneity: a conversation with Native Jews

Jews & Indigeneity: a conversation with Native ...

first, a couple definitions. Jews are an ethnoreligious group, a nation, and a tribe originating in the Land of Israel (modern-day Israel/Palestine). We have a history dating 5000 years and...

Jews & Indigeneity: a conversation with Native ...

first, a couple definitions. Jews are an ethnoreligious group, a nation, and a tribe originating in the Land of Israel (modern-day Israel/Palestine). We have a history dating 5000 years and...

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part two: soldering

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part two: soldering

I used to HATE soldering. Seriously. It gave me a headache, I always struggled to get the solder to flow, and I accidentally melted more pieces than I can count....

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part two: soldering

I used to HATE soldering. Seriously. It gave me a headache, I always struggled to get the solder to flow, and I accidentally melted more pieces than I can count....

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part one: resources, tools, and education

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part one: resourc...

Hi! My name is Debbie (if you're here, you probably already know that) and I've been metalsmithing since 2014. I'm by no means an expert (one of my favorite things...

so you wanna be a metalsmith, part one: resourc...

Hi! My name is Debbie (if you're here, you probably already know that) and I've been metalsmithing since 2014. I'm by no means an expert (one of my favorite things...