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Final Solution, rebranded

Final Solution, rebranded

After Syria’s 61-year Ba’ath regime was ousted from power last week, harrowing, deeply disturbing images, videos, and testimonies have come out of Sednaya Prison, also known as the “human slaughterhouse.”...

Final Solution, rebranded

After Syria’s 61-year Ba’ath regime was ousted from power last week, harrowing, deeply disturbing images, videos, and testimonies have come out of Sednaya Prison, also known as the “human slaughterhouse.”...

tis the season

tis the season

You can’t have it both ways. If Jesus was “Palestinian,” how come these people never want to claim the Jews that supposedly killed him? Posted in 2022 by former Al...

tis the season

You can’t have it both ways. If Jesus was “Palestinian,” how come these people never want to claim the Jews that supposedly killed him? Posted in 2022 by former Al...

the As a Jews of the IRI

the As a Jews of the IRI

WHAT IS AN "AS A JEW"? “As a Jew” is a tongue-in-cheek term Jews use to describe fellow Jews who weaponize their Jewish identities to excuse, minimize, justify, or deny...

the As a Jews of the IRI

WHAT IS AN "AS A JEW"? “As a Jew” is a tongue-in-cheek term Jews use to describe fellow Jews who weaponize their Jewish identities to excuse, minimize, justify, or deny...

even more Holocaust inversion

even more Holocaust inversion

TRIGGER WARNING I don’t usually show graphic photos from the Holocaust because I find them deeply dehumanizing to the victims. That said, it seems that we’ve reached such a state...

even more Holocaust inversion

TRIGGER WARNING I don’t usually show graphic photos from the Holocaust because I find them deeply dehumanizing to the victims. That said, it seems that we’ve reached such a state...

let Anne Frank rest

let Anne Frank rest

THIS IS DISRESPECTFUL   ANNE, MARGOT, THEIR MOTHER, AND FATHER WERE ZIONISTS Here’s the thing: we have absolutely no way of knowing how Anne Frank would feel about today’s Israel-Hamas...

let Anne Frank rest

THIS IS DISRESPECTFUL   ANNE, MARGOT, THEIR MOTHER, AND FATHER WERE ZIONISTS Here’s the thing: we have absolutely no way of knowing how Anne Frank would feel about today’s Israel-Hamas...

Star of David

Star of David

WHAT HAPPENED? A Palestinian-owned café in Oakland, California kicked out a Jewish customer for wearing a blue hat with a Star of David on it, claiming that the symbol was...

Star of David

WHAT HAPPENED? A Palestinian-owned café in Oakland, California kicked out a Jewish customer for wearing a blue hat with a Star of David on it, claiming that the symbol was...